My Snot Eatingslave Husband What Are These Semi-hard Balls Of Snot/mucus Coming From The Back Of My Throat?
What are these semi-hard balls of snot/mucus coming from the back of my throat? - my snot eatingslave husband
I've recently been sick (cold or flu) and in the morning and when I tried my throat when I brush my teeth and get clear all the mucus / snot. If I spit in the sink, usually the yellow balls of hardened mucus or phlegm. I'm not positive if that's what they are ...
In any case, it is a sign of an infection? Is this normal?
You should google "tonsil stones". is obviously a mixture of food particles, bacteria, and anything small enough to be stuck in small crevices of the tonsils. quite often before, obviously.
Sounds like a sinus infection. You should see a doctor.
I had this b4 either. I had this happen, even if I am ill. are irregular and hard, and seem to come from the lungs.
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