Pre-teen Ball Gowns I Have All These Weird Depression Things...Im Only A Pre Teen!?

I have all these weird depression things...Im only a pre teen!? - pre-teen ball gowns

Ok, about 10 minutes I have an online test that you can tell if you are like depression. Here are my results ....

The responses indicate a strong likelihood that I currently do the following:

Mania or manic-depressive
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Mayor or clinical depression

"You said you thought a lot about death or felt he wanted to die. It is very important to get immediate treatment." (Copy and paste Thats what I included in my results.)

.... I'm confused, I'm just a teen, teen and pre. Do I feel, until recently, and go to bed late. Today in school, I sat there for lunch when my classmates, when the cries and screams and fun. In PE I do not wantme. Slobber I threw the ball about 20 cm from my chest. What should I do?


Roger T said...

Share Tell a share, listen to someone that I can tell you how hard it is to find someone, but I think like a girl is not so difficult. OK, quit the normal adjustment and if u can find ur ear and then use it. It is not unusual to feel sad or "Out of It" in high school I was never good to be honest, but remember you are unique. There is only one and if you do not feel part of the crowd, rejoice! If you have nobody else! Feet high and do not listen to the "norm" was easy, friends, if necessary, but just be yourself.
God bless

Rog (Laughter English)

James R said...

Well, you are in an age when their hormones are changing so quickly it's probably why you have these feelings. I'm 18 and I experienced the same thing, and unfortunately I still am to a certain degree. If you do not really care or if you have suicidal thoughts, then I suggest talking with your parents and even better to go to the doctor. no harm will be done with a control group. And also, do not rely on online tests that are not inspectors and clinical studies. The doctor is your best option. Good luck and good luck x

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