Sclerossis Of The Liver Sclerossis Of The Liver.?

Sclerossis of the liver.? - sclerossis of the liver

My brother is 52 years old.We he discovered sclerossis liver.
He does not talk, but we need to stop drinking for 6 months, came his wife with alcohol on his breath and the next thing I knew he secretly vodka coolers and thought it would be better than beer or liquor drinking. .. How can I help, what can I say? He asked my uncle for the rehabilitation, but I'm not sure where to start looking for help. Suggestions? I wish to play in any way.


TweetyBi... said...

My brother can not be avoided, unless you want to be. He wanted to help. The word "cirrhosis". This is a scarring of the liver. Cirrhotic tissue does not work. There are different degrees of chirrosis but I do not know how big your brother.

If you are about to end and the preservation of liver function, which must still be the only the first step to take seriously. There are many sources of information, which could in turn - your doctor, social services, the Department of Public Health, County Mental Health Services, your health insurance, internet AA. There are dozens of clinics and contacts of the drug. If you really want to help can be found. I could just go to the emergency room of a hospital in the county and asking for help, but not when you are ready. You can make all the suggestions in the world, but until you are ready, they will not do well.

One thing, however, your wife will have to go into rehab (or AA as) well. It can be a facilitator and to stop smoking is much, much more difficult toFor him to another drinker.

DeadEyeD... said...

My father is an alcoholic - who is 85 He stopped once for about 20 years. No amount pursuasion logic, so make smoking an alcoholic. You must want to quit, and they must recognize and believe they have a problem. The best thing to do, make sure you know where is the local chapter of the AA and tell them you are there to help you stop using this option if you are willing to. But let him know - and will - we will not allow his behavior to your life or your family in danger to save him from his alcoholism problem. It is not easy, I know. But if it is destroyed to keep their lives and not yours.

DeadEyeD... said...

My father is an alcoholic - who is 85 He stopped once for about 20 years. No amount pursuasion logic, so make smoking an alcoholic. You must want to quit, and they must recognize and believe they have a problem. The best thing to do, make sure you know where is the local chapter of the AA and tell them you are there to help you stop using this option if you are willing to. But let him know - and will - we will not allow his behavior to your life or your family in danger to save him from his alcoholism problem. It is not easy, I know. But if it is destroyed to keep their lives and not yours.

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