Sluts Msn Messenger Addresses Girls What Do You Think About This??????????????????????????â¦
Girls what do you think about this??????????????????????????… - sluts msn messenger addresses
I started with the basics. We are both in the 9th Class. It is very popular, but shes a bit quiet. She goes with prostitutes and school, but shes very quiet. Anyway.
I talked to your MSN Messenger a few times. Just kind of talk. I said: Hi, you once or twice, as in the school before. The problem is, idk if shes interested.
One of my friends knew that I wanted and I said hey you know) (my name. "And he told me that she only said:" Unknown "
What does this mean. I also wanted to say that it was the best time to have called in their own way.
What does this mean and Does anyone have any advice.
ps. Sorry for the bad catoagory BTW.
I think she thinks of you as aquaintaince. (Sp) You know that the face and possibly your name, only you do not necisarily. One also hears that there will not disturb the delicate Idont convo. If she says "idk" and then have to go convo. (I'm like the girl you described) it should be known. You talk to him more. ask stupid questions about the HW, etc.
and in the wrong category ... Choose the most appropriate if you want to meet girls.
liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie with my hip?
I just think just shy. I bet she is interested. Tell your friend to ask him: "I've heard that ()___, _ said his name .... Is it true?"
You should let them know that you are interested, but again not too hard at first. Just flirt with her?
I have never seen a girl who does not like being told what looks good. But I know that many girls who hate it when a man says shes sexy, or says something rude idiot who should be the flattering. So, please be polite:)
Because they say it is still a rule, then they will not talk much at the moment is probably because it is the kind of girl. Not because they are not interested.
So have a try, no one knows how he feels until he knew exactly how you feel! Good luck!
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