What Kind Of Doctor Should A Man See What Kind Of Doctor Should I See About Vag Fistula?
What kind of doctor should I see about vag fistula? - what kind of doctor should a man see
I have IBS and colonoscopy was negative for Crohn's disease / colitis. But I got the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis 7 or 8 times a year. There must be an underlying cause, but my gynecologist does not seem to think. I have tingling and pain scores at random within and outside my VAG with the download. I've never actually spent the chair, but I noticed gas. My GI doc thinks I am too and my gynecologist has asked me to take forever BV drugs? Please offer some advice. Should I cut out the middleman and go see a sort of specialist?
If you can keep the feeling that something is wrong, then surely, until sustained a doctor who believes that you learn and what is wrong, too. If that means that we are 500 different medical opinions and their health concearn the most important.
I would like to find another gynecologist and get his opinion. Do not tell me what you think or what the other report says that doctors usually refuse to face fellow doctors.Instead and say only what you are concearns and what they might feel bad with you. They are in discussion with a clear head and without medical Dignos tossing around in his head.
I think it should be referred to a specialist, HUN so the best thing to do is to go to the GP, to roll the ball as quickly as possible. xxx lucky
You should see another OB / GYN if it helps do not think the current document.
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